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A hierarchical deterministic (HD) Wallet is a collection of cryptographic private/public key pairs that share a common seed. A Wallet is used to generate Accounts.

"walletId": "eb98ae4c-07eb-4117-9b2d-8a453c0e1e64",
"walletName": "default"


An account contains the directions for deriving a cryptographic key pair and corresponding address from a Wallet. In practice, this looks like:

  • The Wallet seed and Account curve are used to create a root key pair
  • The Account path format and path are used to derive an extended key pair from the root key pair
  • The Account address format is used to derive the address from the extended public key
"address": "0x7aAE6F67798D1Ea0b8bFB5b64231B2f12049DB5e",
"curve": "CURVE_SECP256K1",
"path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0",
"pathFormat": "PATH_FORMAT_BIP32",
"walletId": "eb98ae4c-07eb-4117-9b2d-8a453c0e1e64"

The account address is used to sign with the underlying extended private key.


Certain address formats can only be used with particular curves. See the table below:

TypeAddress FormatCurvePath FormatStandard Path

What if I don't see the address format for my network?

You can use ADDRESS_FORMAT_COMPRESSED to generate a public key which can be used to sign with.

What if I don't see the curve for my network?

Contact us at

Private Keys

Turnkey also supports raw private keys, but we recommend using Wallets since they offer several advantages:

  • Wallets can be used across various cryptographic curves
  • Wallets can generate millions of addresses for various digital assets
  • Wallets can be represented by a checksummed, mnemonic phrase making them easier to backup and recover